Follow these five steps to write compelling copy for your AppSumo listing.
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First, take a moment to check out these examples of successful product pages. Notice how they blend straight facts and AppSumo’s conversational tone into informative content that gets Sumo-lings excited to buy.
• Total content should be no less than 200 words and no more than 2000 words.
• All AppSumo listings have a total of 6 sections dedicated to copy. Each copy section has a maximum limit of 1300 characters – or roughly 180-320 words.
• Don't use first person—avoid “we,” “our,” “us,” “me,” “I,” etc.
• Only capitalize proper nouns like your product name and integrations.
Your product name will be the title of your listing. No need to worry about this. You’re off to a great start!
Problem: Start by naming the biggest pain point your users face. What annoying issue keeps coming up for them? Feel free to get descriptive, but no need to get infomercial-level cheesy about it.
Solution: Name your product and introduce the way it helps solve that pain point.
Describe what the tool does, no-frills. Plainly state what the product is in a nutshell:
This sentence usually begins with your product name, e.g., “<Product> is an all-in-one platform featuring project management, team chat, time tracking, and reporting.”
Tell us about your product’s features in order of importance.
Describe each feature in 3 to 5 sentences. Each feature should have room to breathe with its own dedicated section of copy in the listing. Within that section, break up the sentences with line breaks so they aren’t just big blocks of text.
Hit the highlights. Don’t worry about mentioning every single spec—that’s what the product terms and key features are for.
Avoid stats that cannot be proven. It’s tempting, but don’t use words like “guarantee” or “best.” Stay away from claims like “This will 10x your productivity,” “increase X by 85%,” or "this is THE best deal ever."
Also, don’t mention direct competitors. You can namedrop integrations, but avoid claims about similar products in your industry, such as “the better alternative to PayPal” or “10x more effective than Mailchimp.” Show how you’re better—don’t tell it.
Write everything out in complete sentences. No bullet points.
Our cardinal rule: Make jokes, but never make fun of the audience.
Software creators: Don’t forget to mention important underlying technology, features, or integrations that customers might enjoy. Sumo-lings especially love A.I./automation, GPT-3, white labeling, and the ability to use CNAME records. Their priorities are usually to be more productive (save time), offer their clients more value, and be able to integrate tools into their existing workflows.
Circle back to your intro, adding a call-to-action:
Restate how your product solves the pain point clearly and succinctly.
End with a strong call-to-action that will have readers itching to purchase your product, e.g., “Accelerate your project management today!”
Once it’s written, review your copy.
Edit for clarity: Can you simplify anything? Can you turn long sentences into two short sentences? Did you run your copy through a spelling/grammar check?
Edit for specificity: Can you get more specific? What makes your product different from anything else on the market? What are the stakes (the real pain point) if someone doesn’t buy your product?
Now, let’s take a look at two examples of this process in action:
That’s it! We’re so excited for you to start selling on AppSumo. If you need any other help creating your listing, check out our